Book 12 Eternal.
Magwood-Fraser, L and Penn, C. (2008) (Fig. 10). Eternal. Unique collaborative artist’s book. 40 pages, Graphite pencil, crayon, pastel, printing, oil paint. 31cm x 43cm. Book 12. Collection: Lesley Magwood-Fraser. |
Eternal was a further collaboration between Lesley Magwood-Fraser and myself. Magwood-Fraser gave me a set of drawings of idols. The pages she gave me were complete in terms of textual content and visual imagery . I felt I needed to activate the back of the page, rather than try and alter her work. We work very differently I did not want the loudness of my work dominating the delicateness of her drawing. I worked in oil paint on the back of her pages which produced a stain. |
This was an allusion to the ‘human stain’; the result of idolatrous worship especially during Biblical times. I painted Biblical passages dealing with idols, especially those dealing with Baal and Molech. In both forms of worship, the followers indulged in child sacrifice, a real stain in human history. Although Magwood-Fraser did not know that this was my intention, her title Eternal for the book, given later, gave credence to my narrative. |